Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square, Chapter 167

Chapter 167:
That I Am 

Yes?” Baron Lensdown sniffed irritably as he answered the door to his chamber.

“You—come with me.” Johnny Donnan grunted.

“Pardon me, my good man?” Lensdown replied effetely.

“You’re needed.”

“By whom exactly?” Lensdown frowned.

“You’re needed.” Johnny repeated.

“Is it my wife?” The baron asked. “Has she taken ill? Did the shock of the past evening cause her to become worse?”

“Ain’t yer wife.”

“What is it, then?”

“Do ya know who I am?” Johnny growled.

“Yes.” Lensdown answered slowly. “You’re the stableman.”


“Don’t let’s be coy with one another, Mr. Donnan.” Baron Lensdown smirked.

“Come with me, then.”

“Whatever for? We’ve no business. We’ve no connection to one another.`”

“You lay with my offspring. There’s yer connection.”

“So, you’ve been talking with Finlay, have you? I suppose he was very quick to boast of his conquest.” The baron muttered.

“Finlay?” Johnny roared.

The baron’s face went pale. He grabbed the baron by the shoulders.

“Unhand me.” The baron croaked.

“A brother and a sister?” Johnny howled.

“Not at once,” The baron struggled.

“You come with me now.” Johnny spat, digging his thumbs into the baron’s flesh.

“You’re hurting…” The baron moaned.


“What do you want with me?” Lensdown pleaded.

“I don’t.” Johnny snapped as he dragged the baron from his room. “My child does.”

“If Finlay wants me, then…”

“Not Finlay!” Johnny tightened his grip as the baron squealed. “Ellen!”

“Ellen?” The baron sputtered. “She’s dead.”

“Why do ya say that, lad?” Johnny smirked, taking delight in the sound of the baron’s heels dragging against the stone floor.

“I was in the passage when the Duke struck the fatal blow. I heard it all. I saw her dead. Just as I saw you do the same to the Duke’s man that you’re doing to me.”

“She wants ya.”

“How does a dead woman…” The baron again tried to struggle, but Johnny held fast.

“My girl wants ya to join her…”

“You’re mad!” The baron squawked, believing that Johnny was going to kill him.

“Yes.” Johnny laughed. “That I am.”

Did you miss Chapters 1-166? If so, you can read them here. Come back tomorrow for Chapter 167 of Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square.

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