As regular readers of the site know, every year, my mother and father host a wonderful birthday party for their grand-dog, Bertie. Each year, “Bertie’s Birthday Burger Bash,” reaches new heights of perfection. Of course, there are presents. Bertie loves to get presents. He's not so interested in seeing other people receive gifts, but, when they're for him, he's quite thrilled. He very much enjoys sticking his head into a gift bag and pulling out his toys and treats. This year’s presents all had a particular theme.
This was the year that Bertie adopted his very own cat. You've seen pictures of Bertie's cat, Miss Oscar--a pretty (and very large) orange tabby. Bertie loves his cat very much, and she loves him. So, it only seemed appropriate that his birthday should have a kitty cat theme--right down to the toys he received, a leopard and a tiger.
Of course, no “Birthday Burger Bash” would be complete without hamburgers—sliders to be exact—adorned with assorted cheeses, delicious homemade guacamole, greens, tomatoes, olives, and pickles. Bertie had his own—sans roll since he’s on Atkins. These were accompanied by lovely oven roasted potatoes and sweet potatoes.

We ate under cheerful buntings and puffy paper parrots.
The greatest surprise of all, of course, was his cake. Every year my mother bakes Bertie a special cake. In the past they've taken the form of everything from Bertie himself to his tasty cake portraits of his favorite toys.
This year, it only seemed right that the cake should again look like Bertie's favorite playmate. Miss Oscar!
And, here she is!
My mother spent hours making this beautiful cake, affixing her pointy ears and little cat muzzle, and decorating it to resemble Miss Oscar from her bright green eyes to the tabby cat M-shape marking between them.
She started with a sketch of her idea.
Then, she, somehow, translated that idea into cake.
Beneath the feline portrait is a delicious banana cake--a favorite of Bertie's. A white buttercream filling was a lovely surprise.
Bertie enjoyed his own small piece.
Later, I tried to explain to Miss Oscar that we ate an effigy of her head at Bertie's party. She seemed to approve...
...especially after I showed her the pictures of her portrait. She really liked the dog-bone shaped candle.
As always, I want to thank my parents for all of the time and effort they put into celebrating Bertie's birthday, and especially thank my mother for the talent and skill she uses in creating this exceptional cakes. Bertie's a very special boy and I know that he appreciates his parties as much as I do.