Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square, Chapter 220

Chapter 220
Force a Body

The masters oughta be spyin’ ‘their surprise just ‘bout now,”  Gerard smiled at Gamilla who sat next to his bed.

“I ‘spect so,”  Gamilla nodded.  “Sure was a fine idea Mr. Speaight had.  I’d bet them gentlemen will smile real big when they see that holly bush all done up.”

“I’ll wager they will.”  Gerard replied.  “Nice of Violet to watch Colin for awhile.”

“Poor little thin’,”  Gamilla shook  her head.  “Got her heart broke by that terrible awful Mr. Hutchinson.  I think that’s why she wanted to watch the baby.  She done said somethin’ ‘bout if she didn’t have no love didn’t mean that other folk shouldn’t.  Told me she thought we should take some time together when we could.”

“Right nice of her, it sure was.”  Gerard nodded.  “She’ll find herself a beaux soon ‘nough.  She’s pretty and if she can keep her temper, she’d make a fine wife.”

“Oh,”  Gamilla chuckled.  “Given it much thought, have ya?”

“No for my own sake, mind.”  Gerard winked.  “I got me a girl what I wanna marry.”

“Do you now, Mr. Gurney?”

“I do.”  Gerard smiled.  “Just gotta heal me-self up a bit.  See, I gotta hole  in me what oughtn’t be there.”

“I know, I done seen it up close.”  Gamilla sighed.

“What were it like when ya looked inside ‘o me?  What’d ya see?”

“Nothin’ I care to see again.”

“I know what ya saw.”

“Do ya?”  Gamilla laughed.

“You saw a big heart with ‘Gamilla” written on it.”

“Well, well.”  Gamilla blushed.  “You are feelin’ better, ain’t ya?”

“Better each day.”  Gerard answered brightly.  “But, that’s no surprise.”


“No, a man in love heals fast.”

“You’re full o’ all kinds of sweet words tonight.”

“I mean all of ‘em.”  Gerard said seriously.

“I know ya do, honey.”  Gamilla answered softly.

“I wish everyone could feel like I do.”  Gerard sighed.  “His Grace and the doctor, they do.  But, what of Charles?  Ain’t it funny?  But, when you told me of Hutchinson breakin’ Vi’s poor heart, I thought, ‘Now she can marry Charles.’”

“I don’t think they want to marry each other.”  Gamilla raised her eyebrows.  “I don’t think they even like each other so much.”

“Sure they do.”  Gerard shook his head.  “I seen ‘em chat many a time.  All nice and polite by the fire at night.”

“Honey, Charles talks to me and you the same way.  Same as he does Ethel and Jenny and Mrs. Pepper and Georgie.  Don’t mean he loves Vi.  He’s just polite.”

“I don’t believe it.”  Gerard said.

“Besides that, Charlie ain’t got no time for to worry ‘bout gettin’ married.  He’s doin’ the work o’ two men right now.  Plus we got all them troubles with them ladies.  He’d gotta stick close to the Duke and the doctor for to protect ‘em.  See, he done got too much to think ‘bout to be fallin’ in love with Violet.”

“He just don’t know he wants to love our Vi.”  Gerard smiled.

“My mama used to tell me, honey, that when folks was in love, they wanted to make everyone else be in love, too.  But, it don’t work like that.  Ain’t somethin’ a body can force.”

“Don’t need forcing, ‘Milla.”  Gerard shook his head.  “It’s a fine thing.  Everybody wants it.”

“Sure.  When they’re ready.  When Charlie’s ready, he’ll start thinkin’ ‘bout it.  Remember, weren’t too long ‘go he thought he was in love with the Duke’s other sister.”

“He didn’t love her.”  Gerard frowned.  “He was just taken with her beauty.”

“She was pretty.”  Gamilla admitted grudgingly.  “And, I could see how a fella might find her excitin’.  Danger’s always excitin’.”

“But, she’s got nothin’ on our Vi.”  Gerard smiled.

“Honey…”  Gamilla chuckled.  “You is too much.”  She stood up.  “Speakin’ of our Vi, I’d best get back to her.  She’s got her own duties.”

“You like your new room in the nursery?”

“Sure I do.”  Gamilla said sincerely.  “It’s the finest room I ever saw.  It’s just like one o’ the bedchambers for guests.  Never thought I’d…”  She sighed.  “I just never thought.”

“When things settle down, you’ll be gettin’ a nursery maid, Mrs. Pepper tells me.”

“Ah, I don’t need a girl.”  Gamilla shook her head.  “Vi needs the help more.  Actin’ as lady’s maid for Miss Lennie and doin’ my old work.  Just think, Gerry, if we get a new girl, it’ll be one more for Charles to fall in love with.”

“You tease me, but you know I’m right.”  Gerard replied playfully.

“You quit worryin’ ‘bout other folk fallin’ in love and put all your strength to getting’ well again.  Ya hear?”

“Yes, Miss Gamilla.”  Gerard winked.

Did you miss Chapters 1-219 of Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square?  If so, you can read them here.  Come back tomorrow for Chapter 221.

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