Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Punch’s Cousin, Chapter 98

Walking slowly to the fireplace, Mr. Punch yanked the bell-pull.

“Calling for one of the servants?” Miss Evangeline chuckled.

“Never mind what I’m doin’.” Punch grunted, rocking the baby in his arms.

“So, how long have you been like this?” Iolanthe asked.

“Been like what?” Mr. Punch narrowed his eyes.

“’Toe-kay,’ as the Creoles say. Crazy.”

“I ain’t crazy.” Mr. Punch said. “I just make my way different than the rest o’ ya. Don’t mean I’m any worse nor better. Just means, I’m different.”

“Ain’t that just what a crazy person would tell himself?” Miss Evangeline chuckled.

Gamilla entered the room, out of breath. She saw Miss Evangeline and was visibly startled.

“We got a visitor, Gamilla. Two of ‘em. There’s another upstairs with Dr. Halifax. Would you please go and tell Mr. Halifax that we got some people here what want to make trouble.”

“Yes, Sir.” Gamilla said. “Should I take young Fuller with me to the kitchen? That’s where his mama is.”

“Good thinking.” Mr. Punch gently handed the child to Gamilla. “Take Toby, too, would ya. I don’t want him having to see none of this.”

“Course, Your Lordship,” Gamilla nodded. “Come on, boy!” She said. Toby looked at Mr. Punch.

“Go on. Go with Gamilla.” Mr. Punch said gently to the terrier who trotted off after the woman.

“Now,” Mr. Punch said firmly. “I ain’t got any innocent ears nor eyes to witness what I gotta say to ya.”

“I am supposed to feel threatened?” Iolanthe laughed.

“Don’t care what you feel just so long as ya listen to me.” Mr. Punch said. “You come in here with evil in your heart, wantin’ to hurt the people what’s always been kind to me. They ain’t done nothin’ to you.”

“I beg to differ, Lunatic.” Iolanthe grinned, pulling the shoulder of her gown down to expose her wounded flesh. “I have a scar here that tells otherwise.”

“So, Cecil shot ya.” Mr. Punch said. “You lived, didn’t ya? Didn’t you have it comin’? All the things that you’ve done to cause pain for these kind folks. Didn’t you deserve to have some of that pain returned to ya?”

“Pain that I’ve caused them?” Iolanthe rose from the settee. “What about the pain they’ve caused me. Your Cecil took one of my finest girls.”

“Helped her escape from you, more like.” Mr. Punch said.

“They’ve done nothing but interfere in my personal business for years! Now, they’re continuing to be in my way by involving themselves with your sister. You know, she didn’t arrive as promised?”

“I know.” Mr. Punch said. “She were here, she was. Stole a buncha stuff, too. What makes you think you’re owed loyalty? You seem to feel like you’re entitled to it.”

“You can be quite well-spoken when you want to be, Lunatic.” Iolanthe laughed.

“I’ve listened to the things me master says and thinks. I know how to speak.” Mr. Punch frowned.

“So does your man, I’ve noticed. What’s his name? Naasir. You’d best watch your back with that one. You should have let me burn him. Those men are dangerous. Their ways are false. Their power is old.”

“What’s going on here?” Cecil demanded as he stormed into the room. “You are not welcome in my house.”

“Oh, even jus’ to pay a little Christmas call?” Iolanthe cooed. “I’ve got a desire, Mr. Halifax. I wanted to return the little gift you gave me.” She exposed the scar on her shoulder.

“Leave the room,” Cecil said to Mr. Punch.

“I can’t Brother Chum.” Mr. Punch shook his head. “I’m not going to leave you alone with her.”

“Listen to me,” Cecil said firmly. “I wish to be alone with this woman.”

“Cecil…” Mr. Punch argued.

“Mr. Punch!” Cecil ordered. “Go see to Robert!”

Mr. Punch shrugged. “If that’s what you want.”

“Go now.” Cecil said sternly, not taking his eyes from Iolanthe who continued to grin at him. “And close the doors behind you, please.”

Mr. Punch nodded. He exited the room and closed the pocket doors behind him.

And ran through the foyer and hurried up the stairs to find Robert. As he did, he heard a loud shot from the front parlor.

“Dear God!” Mr. Punch shouted, turning around. However, as he did, from upstairs, he heard a woman’s scream and the shattering of glass.

Frozen in place, Mr. Punch was unsure of which direction to go.

“Robert!” He shouted. “Chum?”

But, there was no answer.

Did you miss Chapters 1-97? If so, you can read them here.


Darcy said...

Another cliffhanger! I'm glad it's Tuesday and not Saturday, a gun shot and glass breaking, I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow. Great writing.

Dashwood said...

Oh, brother! Some folks just want shooting. And it isn't Cecil.

Joseph Crisalli said...

Thanks, Darcy. It would have been cruel to leave that hanging over a weekend!

Joseph Crisalli said...

I agree, Dashwood, it isn't Cecil who deserves to be shot. We'll just have to wait and see...