Sunday, April 21, 2013

Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square will Return on Monday

The events at No. 65 Belgrave Square have been par for the course.  Let's start with some good news.  Mr. Punch woke up.  That wouldn't be unusual except for the fact that Fern had tried to poison him (though she claims otherwise).  Oh, and Lennie may have a suitor in the form of the Earl of Cleaversworth who even sent her a meaningful floral tribute.

But...well, that's about all for the good news.  Punch, despite Robert's and Lennie's fears, has decided that Fern deserves a chance.  Very forgiving, is out Punch.  He tells the girl that she has two choices, she can be a good girl and stay with them, or, she can be a bad girl and be sent away.  And, Punch clarifies, by being sent away, he doesn't mean to a nice school where good girls learn French and needlework.  He means an asylum where bad girls are sent to drool and learn basket-weaving.  Not surprisingly, Fern decides on the asylum.  Robert is relieved, but Punch says he knew she'd say that, and that he was going to tell her the next day, that they believe she IS good and that she can stay with them.  Lennie hopes Punch's scheme will work, and Robert agrees to go with his partner's plan, but makes it clear that he thinks the child is a lunatic.

Gamilla locks Fern in her room and goes downstairs where she chats with Mrs. Pepper about marriage and babies.  Happy stuff, that.  But, after Gamilla leaves, Mrs. Pepper is startled to see Fern standing on the service stairs.  How'd she get out?  Somehow, she tricked Violet into opening the door.  Charles and Speaight come running and Charles tackles the child, but she manages to run out into the street.  Straight to Ulrika Rittenhouse goes Fern, and is told she she can her father.  She does, in fact, see her father.  In pieces.  All over the parlor.

This coming week will be full of new developments.  What exactly did Fern do to Vi?  And, how will it effect Charles?  Will Punch and Robert try to get Fern back or leave her to Ulrika and Orpha?  Now that Fern has seen her father chopped to bits, will she get even weirder?  Furthermore, romance is in the air.  Of course, we have Gamilla and Gerry getting ready for their wedding.  But, there's also Lennie and Matthew's new relationship which will take a new turn.  And, Ethel finds herself increasingly jealous of the growing friendship of Maudie and George.  And, just why does Queen Victoria send for Mr. Punch?

Lots to see this week.  You won't want to miss a chapter, but if you do, you can catch up in the Chapter Archive.

Thanks for reading!

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