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Click on image to be frightened. |
This is my greatest fear. I live in terror that in the kitchen of any restaurant are children in puffy hats licking my pudding.
I’m serious. This is terrifying. Look at it. It’s bad enough that the little girl is chowing down on from a giant mixing bowl, but, worse still are the two boys. One is licking an oversized spoon while the other…the other…
You can see for yourself the evil afoot here.
The illustration is labeled “Reussi Le Nougat.” I think that means, “Licking Your Pudding.”
So, when I first came upon this trade card, I wondered what it could be advertising. I’d never have guessed that it was a card for “Dry Goods.” There’s nothing dry about this image.
However, on the reverse, it says:
Let’s have a caption contest. Answers in the comments section, please. Let’s see if you think it’s as terrifying as I do.
The Health Department of Boston in the 1800s had the strangest rules.
I can see that.
This is why I won't order jello anywhere.
Do restaurants serve jello?
This IS just disgusting. Why do people think this kind of picture is cute?
Because they're also pudding lickers.
I'd do that.
I'm not surprised.
Auntie Gertrude"s School of Etiquette and Culinary Arts
Who needs hygiene? After all this is the 19th century. We have perfume and patent medicine. So, we can cure smells and scrofula in the blink of an eye.
So here at Auntie Gert's we train our little chefs to be free spirits. Lick the spoon stir with your feet. It's all ok with Gert.
They say "the proof is in the pudding" so why not have a taste?
HA! That really got me laughing!
The Lollipop Guild didn't know how long they would continue to cut their trail of terror through Boston and they didn't care.
It could be an ad for rat poison.
Dark, Gene...dark.
I'd smack them with that spoon.
How very Punch-like of you.
Oh, come on, Joseph. With a baker like your Mom, didn't you ever sneak into the kitchen and just start licking cakes and huffing down icing with wild-eyed abandon????
I damn near licked the computer screen on Monday with your Mom's anniversary cake.
Sooo. Is this some picture of your ancestors???? Hmmmmm?????
I come from eaters, not lickers. I have never done what you suggest. Don't forget, it's only been in the last few months that I could eat a sandwich with my hands.
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