Monday, September 13, 2010

Punch's Cousin, Chapter 43

Punch paced Julian’s body back and forth on the patterned carpets in Iolanthe Evangeline’s private rooms.

“Handled me roughly, they did.” Punch muttered. “Sunk their stinkin’ fingers into me master’s flesh. Likely left marks, the beasts.”

“Mr. Punch,” Naasir said calmly, “Getting yourself more upset will only serve to make matters worse for us.”

“They didn’t push and shove you.” Punch answered.

“That’s because I went with them willingly.” Naasir replied gently.

“I won’t stand for being held captive. Didn’t you think I’d fight them?” Punch argued.

“You must remember, Mr. Punch, you are making use of Lord Julian’s body. We must treat it with respect.”

Punch pulled Julian’s lips into a frown. “I respect me master.”

“Drawing a knife on a woman isn’t necessarily the most respectful thing you could have done with Lord Julian’s body.” Naasir responded politely.

“Oh, now you’re gonna argue with me? Listen, you, I can beat the Devil. You seen what I done to that Arthur!”

“Yes, Mr. Punch, I saw.” Naasir smiled.

“I’m gonna get that woman when she comes in here.” Punch continued to rant.

“Pardon me, Mr. Punch, however, I can’t allow you to do that.” Naasir answered.

“Who’s gonna stop me?”

“To begin with, I believe those rather large men will try.” Naasir smiled.

“I’m stronger’n them.” Punch growled.

“You may be, Sir, but Lord Fallbridge is not.” Naasir replied.

“Oh.” Punch grunted. He squinted Julian’s eyes. “Well, then, what do you suggest I do?”

“That rather depends on how Miss Evangeline wishes to deal with this situation.”

“You know what I wish?” Punch sighed. “I wish me chum were here. We could take those men together.”

“I think that Dr. Halifax would agree with me.” Naasir leaned forward and whispered. “Mr. Punch, there is a power greater than us that dictates what we must do. We must follow the path. You must let me guide you. It is what must be.”

Punch sat Julian down on a fainting couch near the fireplace. “What nonsense are you sayin’ now? I don’t understand you.”

“You must follow the path.” Naasir repeated.

“I’m followin’ me own path.” Punch grunted.

“Think, then, of Lord Fallbridge. Think of your chum, then. Dr. Halifax would not want me to let you do anything that diverted from our destiny.”

“Me chum wants what’s best.” Punch nodded. “Only he ain’t here.”

“Not yet.” Naasir said quickly. “However, I sense him. He’s coming.”

“How’s that?” Punch asked.

“Quiet, then,” Naasir whispered frantically. “She’s nigh.”

“Gentlemen,” Iolanthe Evangeline purred as the door to the room squeaked open. “I trust these few minutes alone in here have made you more agreeable?”

“Not ‘specially.” Punch hissed.

“Now, now, you don’t act at all like I’d expect a fine Englishman to act.” Miss Evangeline laughed.

“Ain’t no fine Englishman.” Punch mumbled. “I’m lookin’ for Barbara and what’s been taken from me.”

“And you thought that stabbing me in the heart would help your cause?” The Elegant Ogress clucked her tongue. “And people say we’re savages.” She sat down across from Punch. “Now, now, Your Lordship, take it from me, violence has its place, but you have to know when to use it. This just isn’t the time. And, I don’t want you thinkin’ that it is.”

“Can’t think of a better time.” Punch spat.

“Listen, young man, Lady Barbara is a grown woman. She’s free to make her own decisions. She wants to be here with me. There’s nothin’ that you’re gonna be able to do to change her mind. She’ll be happy here. So, unless you’ve come to spend some of your money here, I suggest that you take your man and leave. I don’t want to make a fuss with you. But, I can’t have you making this an unpleasant place for my other guests either.”

“I ain’t leavin’ without his sister.”

“His sister. You do have a funny way of talkin’. If I didn’t know better, I might think you were a bit touched in the head.” Iolanthe Evangeline laughed.

“I am touched in the head! Me head’s been split open!” Punch hollered

“You look fine to me.” The ogress grinned.

“His Lordship is exhausted.” Naasir interrupted.

“Maybe he is, but I’m not!” Punch shouted.

Iolanthe Evangeline looked puzzled. “Mr. Molliner, if I may call you that, I have to warn you. I’m capable of all manner of things. Do you really want to upset me?”

“I only want his sister and the thing what she took from me.”

“What thing is that?”

Punch frowned. “If you don’t know, I ain’t gonna say.”

“Now, my boys are gonna come in here in a minute. They’re gonna do one of two things. They’re either gonna show you the door or they’re gonna make you wish you’d never come here. Which will it be?”

“It will be the former, Miss Evangeline.” Naasir spoke up. “We want no trouble.”

“Your man’s got a good head on him.” Miss Evangeline laughed.

“Lord Fallbridge is upset and tired. He’s not himself. I hope you will accept this small gift as an apology for any trouble we may have caused here.” Naasir continued. He pulled another small bag of gris-gris from his pocket.

Iolanthe’s eyes widened as she looked at it. “Where did you get that?”

“From Marie Laveau herself.”

“I can see that.” Iolanthe smiled.

“It is your destiny to have it.”

“I don’t want that woman’s magic in this house.” Miss Evangeline shook her head. “I make my own.”

“As you wish,” Naasir placed the bag back in his pocket.

Iolanthe Evangeline narrowed her eyes and studied Naasir. “You’re not just a valet. You’re somethin’ else.”

“I am.” Naasir smiled.

“This changes things.” Iolanthe whispered to herself. “It changes things terribly.”

Punch looked nervously between Naasir and the ogress.

Again, she clapped her hands twice sharply.

“What’re you doin’?” Punch hissed to Naasir.

“What is written.” Naasir responded.

Iolanthe’s men entered the room.

“Boys, I’ve been misled.” She growled. “Take this man to the altar!” She pointed to Naasir. “Leave the Englishman here with me!”

Did you miss Chapters 1-42? If so, you can read them here.


Dashwood said...

How interesting that we really don't know much about Evangeline but she surely radiates a sense of dread. She somehow got a very spider-like quality.

Joseph Crisalli said...

That's an interesting observation, Dashwood. She is rather like a spider...a big shiny spider that doesn't move a lot, but is nontheless dangerous. The more we learn about her, the more venemous she'll seem, too.

Darcy said...

Punch is alone with Iolanthe Evangeline and who knows what he'll do next. Nassir says he is headed toward what is written. Robert maybe on his way to help, and Julian is caught in the middle of the whole thing. What is their destiny? This story gets more exciting with every twist and turn!

Joseph Crisalli said...

Thanks, Darcy! Let's just hope Julian doesn't emerge in the middle of all of this. He'd not react well to awaken in the clutches of Iolanthe Evangeline.