Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Term for the Day: Garçonnière

The garçonnière at Houmas House
A garçonnière is a bachelor’s quarters or apartment. In Southern plantation homes, particularly those in Louisiana, the garçonnière is a detached building near the main house. A young man in his late teen years would occupy the garçonnière prior to marrying. This allowed him some degree of privacy and autonomy while still providing him the benefit of home and family (and staff). The garçonnière at Houmas house is particularly attractive and is an excellent example of this by-gone architectural phenomenon.


Dashwood said...

Keeping teenage sons (and daughters) out of earshot but nearby definitely is an idea that improves the peace and harmony of the home.

Joseph Crisalli said...

I'm sure that's true. Perhaps the custom will (or should) make a come-back.

Kathy L said...

My son would love something like this. Heck, I would love something like this.