Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Punch's Cousin, Chapter 376

"Hurry up, you old beast.". Iolanthe growled as Agnes Rittenhouse struggled to pick up Julian's nephew.

"You can do things quickly or you can do things correctly.". Agnes spat.

"For the love of God!" Iolanthe moaned, pushing past the old woman.

"Watch what you're doing!". Agnes shouted.

Iolanthe bent over the two sleeping babies. "Which one is it?"

"The smaller one is the one Odo brought." Agnes shrugged. As she watched Iolanthe lift the baby in her injured hands, Agnes frowned. "Now you got him, where's what's due me?"

"What?"Iolanthe squinted.

"What's due me." Agnes repeated slowly. "When you saw Odo, didn't he give you my payment."

"Oh, that." Iolanthe said quickly, unsure of the terms of Agnes's arrangement with Odo. "He'll bring that to you himself."

"Well, then, you aren't taken that baby away from here until he comes."

"You old fool!" Iolanthe snarled. "The Duke and his insipidly faithful companions are on their way here right now. Do you really want them to see this child?"

"Coming here?" Agnes trembled. "Why? How do they know where I am."

"Same way I knew." Iolanthe grumbled, heading for the door. Agnes blocked her way.

"Who told them?" Agnes spat.

Iolanthe just laughed.

"Odo? You mean he...you...you're not working with him? You tried to fool me? Odo betrayed me?"

"Of course! Don't you know you mean nothing to any of us?"

"I was betrayed!" Agnes gurgled as she reached for the baby. "I will not be betrayed! Piggies--all of you. Someone must pay for this!"

Did you miss Chapters 1-375? If so, you can read them here.

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