Friday, July 22, 2011

Punch’s Cousin, Chapter 301

Help me,” Arthur choked as he continued to hack up black fluid.

“Ain’t nothin’ more we can do for ya, Arthur,” Marjani whispered. “Now, just quiet yourself and let me bathe your face and head.”

“No.” Arthur moaned.

“You must be still, Arthur,” Robert added, peering down at the dying man as he tried to conceal his utter contempt for the person who’s tried, so many times, to harm him and his loved ones.

“You gotta listen to me,” Arthur groaned hoarsely.

“There’s nothing that you need to say,” Robert shook his head. “Save your strength. You’ll need it.”

“Maybe you should go to your chum,” Punch said, gently pressing on Gerard’s arm.

“You think so?” Gerard asked.

Punch nodded.

“It ain’t him I want,” Arthur sputtered.

Gerard looked back at Mr. Punch who shrugged.

“What is it that you want, Arthur?” Robert asked, his loathing for Arthur creeping slightly into his voice.

“I know ya hate me.” Arthur coughed feverishly.

“Yes, I do.” Robert nodded. “But, we’ll still see to it that you die with some sort of dignity.”

“But, you don’t understand.” Arthur protested.

“I think I understand quite well.” Robert replied. “You may go to Hell, Arthur, but while you’re here with us, I am obligated to see that you’re comfortable.”

“I’ll go to Hell, all right,” Arthur coughed. “I know that. But, I want you…”

“What is it?” Marjani asked.

“I want you to know why I’m goin’ to Hell.” Arthur said, spraying blood and thick black droplets onto his shirt-front.

“We know why,” Marjani responded.

“But, you don’t know why I done what I done. Why I bothered Lady Barbara. Why I tried to kill the Duke and the Doctor. Why I…” His words dissolved into a fit of coughing.

“Because you’re wicked,” Marjani shook her head.

“Sure, I am.” Arthur gasped. “But, you don’t know what made me so. I gotta tell ya.”

“Go on, Gerry,” Punch urged.

“I don’t want Gerry!” Arthur snapped weakly. “It’s you I want, Your Grace.”

“Why?” Punch growled.

“Because I gotta tell ya.” Arthur drooled.


“It were yer mum,” Arthur moaned. “She made me do it all.”

Did you miss Chapters 1-300? If so, you can read them here.


Darcy said...

Great storytelling! You always know how to hold the reader's interest.

Joseph Crisalli said...

Thank you, Darcy!