Friday, April 1, 2011

Punch's Cousin, Chapter 210

Ulrika grinned at Charles. “You’re a nice looking boy.”

“Thank you, Miss.” Charles nodded.

“Why waste your time with the likes of Miss Allen? I can give you so much more.” Ulrika purred.

“Do you ever shy away from stealing my men?” Barbara spat.

Even in the darkness, the women could see that Charles was blushing.

“I’m quite content where I am,” Charles said firmly.

“I could make you more so content.” Ulrika said. “I can give you the world. All I ask is that you do something for me.”

“Go to Blazes, Ulrika!” Barbara shouted.

“I will.” Ulrika laughed. “And, I’ll see you there.”

Charles rose, “I’m sorry, but Miss Allen has suffered too much today, I must ask you both to leave.”

“How gallant.” Ulrika chuckled. “Really, Iolanthe, isn’t he gallant? So chivalrous.”

“He’s a prince among paupers.” Iolanthe frowned. “And, he’s wasting my time. Come along, Ulrika, we don’t need him. Nor her. We know what we’re after and we’ll find it.”

“Isn’t it curious?” Barbara smirked.

“What’s that?” Ulrika asked.

“When the last I saw the two of you, I could have sworn that Iolanthe was about to toss you into the sea, Ulrika.” Barbara replied. “Now, you’re as thick as thieves.”

“We are thieves, Barbara.” Ulrika smiled. “All of us.”

“I find it peculiar that you two now have this allegiance.” Barbara answered.

“We have an arrangement.” Ulrika smiled. “It’s none of your concern.”

“I hope you enjoy your arrangement.” Barbara said. “How long will it be before one of you betrays the other? Again.”

“Ulrika knows what will happen if she does.” Iolanthe answered curtly.

“As does Iolanthe.” Ulrika frowned.

“Ah, there’s already distrust.” Barbara grinned.

“Barbara, we’ve banded together in a crisis. A child’s best interest is at stake. All other things pale when compared to that.” Ulrika said.

“Well, how touching.” Barbara chuckled.

“Enough chatter!” Iolanthe stamped her foot on the ground. “We’ve business! Come, Ulrika.”

“You’d better go with your mistress,” Barbara clucked her tongue.

Ulrika’s rage was evident.

“Come, Ulrika.” Iolanthe repeated.

Ulrika grunted. “By the way, Barbara, if we see Marie Laveau—and I’m sure we will—I’ll make a point of telling her where you are. I’m sure she’s looking for you—probably so very concerned, really.”

“Do what you want,” Barbara shrugged.

“I always do,” Ulrika winked as they walked off.

Once they were alone again, Charles settled onto the bench next to Barbara again. “This isn’t good.”

‘No.” Barbara shook her head. “You don’t suppose they’ll find my brother?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if they did.” Charles answered plainly.

“We have to stop them.” Barbara replied. “While I’m not a proponent of the idea of Julian raising my son, I’d much rather Colin lives with him than be returned to Edward Cage—or worse, falling into the hands of any of those three women.”

“How can we get word to His Grace and Dr. Halifax?” Charles asked.

“You’re his valet. You’re bound to find out where he is.” Barbara sighed.

“I just want you to know, Miss Allen, that my first allegiance is always to you.” Charles replied softly.

“Call me Barbara.” She answered.

At that very moment, in the hull of a dark, rocking ship, Arthur screamed as his fist struck a much larger man.

“You make a huge mistake,” The man laughed, coming toward Arthur.

Arthur shrieked wildly. “You ain’t gonna stop me! I’m gettin’ off this ship and goin’ back to my wife!”

“Not if you die!” The man smirked.

“Listen to me!” Arthur pleaded. “I got connections. My wife’s brother—he’s a duke. Let me go and I’ll make us both rich beyond our wildest dreams. He owes me—the lunatic.”

Meanwhile, in their musty hotel room, Robert raised his eyebrows. “What is it, Marjani?”

Marjani picked up the baby from Robert’s lap and began pacing the floor with the child in her arms.

“You’re worried that them folk will try to get this poor baby back.” Marjani said quietly. “There’s a way to get them to stop looking for you.”

“Coo…what?” Punch asked.

“Well, Mr. Punch, folk can’t look for what’s not there no more.” Marjani said.

“But, we are here. We missed the ship and there’s not another for quite some time.” Mr. Punch replied. “There’s no other way out. They’re gonna keep looking.”

“Not if you’re dead.” Marjani smiled.

Did you miss Chapters 1-209? If so, you can read them here.


Book Gurl said...

Wow. Edge of my seat!

Joseph Crisalli said...

Thanks, Book Gurl! Just wait until what happens next!