Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Question of the Week: Do you Believe in Ghosts?

This morning, I awoke to find that all of the antique clocks in the house had been stopped. Two of them had the front crystals open—a condition in which I had not left them the night before. They had all stopped within five minutes of one another. This, I’m sure, can be explained scientifically in one way or another. It’s been raining here, so that may have something to do with it. It isn’t the first time something peculiar has happened around here that I can’t explain. Shoes have moved on their own, doors open and close, a plate once hurled itself across the room. The topic of ghosts is one that is rich with debate. So, I want to know how you feel about it. Do you believe? I look forward to reading your comments.


Dashwood said...

I think is it extremely shallow and narrow-minded of those people who reject outright the possibility that other beings - whether or not visible and whether formerly alive - might exist. Too many overly complex explanations are made for the strange things that happen around us each day. Sometimes the simplest answer is the right one. For whatever reason some spirits remain earthbound, it doesn't hurt to extend them a kind word or a little respect. At the very worst, someone might overhear you saying something kind to absolutely no one at all.

Joseph Crisalli said...

It's true, Dashwood. Repetitive energy isn't harmful to anyone. There must be more to the world than what we see. Otherwise, there's no explanation for anything.