Thursday, December 6, 2012

Gratuitous Bertie Dog Picture: Portrait of an Unknown Lady with Bertie

“An apple? Is that the best you’ve got?”

Image: Portrait of an Unknown Woman and Child, Andrea Soldi (1698-1771), Britain, 1740, The Victoria and Albert Museum.

You, too, could have a cup of tea with Bertie. Or, you could wear his picture proudly. Visit our online store to see our range of Gratuitous Bertie Dog products.


Matt said...

How did you do that? I can't figure it. You lifted that little girl right out of the picture. What's behind her is what should be behind her, but it's a painting, so it wasn't there. Yet you've got the rest of the mother's body and her bow and everything that should be there behind Bertie.

Joseph Crisalli said...

Ancient Punchinello secret, huh.

Matt said...

Wait! There's more. I just noticed the mother's arm and hand!!! Where'd they come from?

Joseph Crisalli said...

I refer to my above response.