Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Here We Are!

Bertie and I have had adventures these past few days. Oh, yes, we’ve had adventures, indeed. And, it was one of the very rare moments in the past eleven years when our adventures were separate and concurrent (I can only think of three other times when we were not together at all times). 

However, now, we’re back from our respective voyages and nestled in the warmth (or, actually, lack thereof) of our shared home—reunited with Mr. Punch and the myriad other things with faces who exist here with us. 

So, be patient with me today as I sort through all of the things which awaited me during my secret absence. The reward, in a manner of speaking, will be my account of my travels and Bertie’s narrative of the time he spent at his grandma’s house. You can expect these in coming days. 

But, for today, it’s business as usual.

"The angelic voices of Kathie Lee and Hoda above me almost made me forget my
daddy and my grandpa seem to have been lost at the Costco for the last five days."
--Bertie W. Wooster, 2012

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