Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Feature: Mobile Phone Version of “Stalking the Belle Époque” Has Launched

"Technology is the bees knees, Mate."
The Victoria & Albert Museum
While most of the regular visitors to Stalking the Belle Époque are coming to the site on a computer, some of you visit via a mobile device. In doing so on a mobile phone or iPad, you may have noticed that you had to do a lot of scrolling and magnifying to read the articles and view the pictures. This is the case no longer. Starting today, those who visit via a mobile device will see a special version of Stalking the Belle Époque designed to fit that screen specifically. Not to worry, at the bottom of each page you can still click, “View Web Version,” if you want to browse the extra features and interesting ads and offers from that are on the right sidebar of the full online site. If you want to go back to the mobile version on your device, simply click, “Mobile Version.” So, now, with your iPhones, Blackberries, Droids and other mobile devices, you can easily read all of the articles and view the pictures without having to scroll or expand.

In honor of our new feature, I’ve also launched a new look for Stalking the Belle Époque. The online version of the site features a new background design in the Rococo Revival Style just to remind us that while technology may change in the blink of an eye, true beauty lasts forever.

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