Friday, August 6, 2010

Haiku Contest Winners Chosen

The Haiku Contest Winners Are…

Many thanks to all of our entries. I think they were all excellent. Your votes are in, and we have a tie. The winners are:

Jason Roush

Dark where no one else

hears what soft music you hear,

light from loss of light.

Solitary stone

at the bottom of the sea,

time never knew you.


Lazy summer days,

parasols and big straw hats.

Where are they today?

Sand pails and sea shells

children playing in the sun

sunset on the shore.

Congratulations to you both!


Darcy said...

Thank you, and congratulations to Jason Roush. All the entries were great!

Dashwood said...

Congratulations Darcy and Jason. This was a fun little contest.