Many people have no problem facing each day with gusto and relish. Others of us are more shy and reserved. Still, each of us has a threshold of comfort. Today, try to push yourself a little further. Speak up politely in a meeting and voice your opinions in a clear, rational way. Talk with someone new. Share something special about yourself. Offer your best qualities to the world. Challenge yourself to show your brightest light.
All the while, remember that you are the only person who can really take care of you. Remember your boundaries and make sure that you are comfortable with what you’re doing. You’ve got a lot to offer the world. If, each day, you step out just a little to present your innate beauty to the people around you, you’ll be on your way to making the world that “better place” that we hear so much about.
Good advice!
Sometimes it is difficult to make oneself heard amid the roar created by people who seem to believe that volume makes up for the gap in their logic or wisdom. However, with quiet polite persistence and some effort to make sure that at least one other person has heard your voice, you may become known as someone who is consistently offering sound counsel. It takes time and patience but sometimes even a noisy crowd will hush to hear a whisper.
I agree, Dashwood. It does take patience to be a clear bell amidst the dreadful clanging around us.
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