Friday, March 9, 2012

Object of the Day: A German Trade Card Depicting a Punch & Judy Show

This beautiful Victorian trade card heralds from Germany.  The color-lithographed front of the card depicts an elegant interior wherein a group of well-dressed children and a white dog are enjoying a Punch & Judy show.  Mr. Punch—or his German cousin, Kasper—has just dispatched his bride—not with is traditional slapstick, but with a weapon more akin to a branch or “switch.”

Now, my German is not good, so I’m not sure what exactly this is advertising.    I will, however, reproduce the text below.  If any of my German-speaking readers would like to translate for me, I’d be thrilled.  Just post your translation in the comments. 

Using what little I know about German, I can guess that this is an ad for coffee grounds which, apparently, welcome you “Home.”  I’m curious to see what any of you can tell me. 

It says:

Ein gesundes

von kräftigem, angenehmen,
lieblichen Geschmack, dasauch
für jedes Familiendglied be-
kömmlich, bereitet man aus halben Portion Bohuenkaffee und
einer halben Portion.

Aecht Hauswaldt
Achten Sie bitte genau auf Schutzmarke, “Haus”!

Joh.  Gottl.  Hauswaldt
Brauncschweig.  Magdeburg
Eger i. B.
Gegründet, 1786


Dashwood said...

My grasp of German is very rusty but it appears that a half portion of Aecht Hauswaldt brand and a half portion of Bohuenenkaffee brand in a single serving has a strong, pleasant and sweet taste that is beneficial to any family member.

I wonder if it would be helpful to whoever it is that Mr. Punch has just bopped over the head in the picture.

Joseph Crisalli said...

Thank you, Dashwood. That's very helpful. And, yes, I'm sure that poor fallen puppet would benefit from it--if not merely as a new coat of stain.