Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Goal for the Day: Make Reasonable Resolutions

As 2010 comes to a close, we begin to look to the future. In Dickensian fashion, the year ahead of us is cloaked in mystery and points forward with a long bony finger. Despite the sometimes ominous bravado of the future, we shouldn’t fear it, but rather look to it with hope.

Many of us traditionally make “New Year’s Resolutions” which range from getting in shape to the cessation of bad habits. But, it’s important to make reasonable, realistic resolutions for yourself. Setting yourself up for failure will only prove frustrating in the end. So, as you look to your future, look to your past. Know the things that you could have done differently, and know your capabilities as a person. Accept those things about yourself which you cannot change, and find ways to compensate for them. All the while, remember that you’re a worthwhile person who is capable of great things.

When making your list of resolutions, focus on the positive. This is not a time to list the litany of your flaws, but rather a time to rejoice in the things you do which are positive. Resolve to do more of the latter and the former will diminish in time. Be realistic about yourself, and you’ll find that the person you’ll be in the upcoming year will only be a reflection of the good within you.

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