Thursday, May 17, 2012

Unfolding Pictures: The Schott Iron Fan, 1862

Cast-Iron Hand Fan
One of a Pair
Edward Schott, 1862
The Victoria & Albert Museum

This handsome, but somber, hand fan, is one of a pair which was made under the direction of Edward Schott at Ilsenburg-am-Harz, Germany, to demonstrate the fineness and delicacy which could be achieved in iron castings.

The pair was shown at the International Exhibition of 1862. The mate to this fan was presented to Princess Frederick William (later the Empress Frederick William) of Prussia (1840-1901), Queen Victoria's eldest daughter.

The segments  of filigreed  cast iron are adorned with architectural motifs and are held together at the base by a pin and at their top by a ribbon.

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